
Hello there! I'm Ekaterina, a video creator originally from Russia, now based in Basel, Switzerland. My expertise lies in producing commercial and content videos, with a particular focus on business & brands. Over the years, I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Swiss, Portuguese, Italian, American, and Russian companies. However, I'm always eager to explore new genres, formats, and creative concepts.


In a nutshell, I hail from the heart of Siberia, Omsk, and have led a life of constant movement, attending six different schools and residing in four different cities throughout my childhood. Eventually, I graduated from a school in Moscow before pursuing higher education at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Following my master's degree in economics, I ventured into the oil transportation industry, where I spent seven years honing my skills as a business planning analyst.


With my background in business planning, I've developed strong skills in planning, analysis, and cross-functional coordination. Transitioning into producing and filming, I discovered that these skills are highly transferable and have helped me excel in my new career.


I'm excited about the opportunity to collaborate with your business and create unique, stylish content, whether it's for an advertising campaign or daily social media updates. I'm committed to reflecting your brand's concept and values in the video, and I'm always ready to contribute my own ideas and utilize my skills to achieve the most impactful result.


If you're interested in collaborating, please feel free to reach out to me through any convenient means. I look forward to hearing from you!



I would be glad to adhere to the concept and values of you or your brand, if necessary, offer my own ideas and utilize all my skills to achieve the most effective result. 



Backstage photos

I've had the pleasure of working with amazing brands from Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, United States, and Russia.

I invite you to check out my portfolio to see the results of these collaborations.